ProjectQRRestore: Proteger, Mitigar, Restaurar
¡Bienvenidos! We are an international consortium of marine biologists, environmental professionals, and scuba divers working in the novel blue-carbon restoration space.

By recovering plastic waste found in the ocean, we can help to decrease the amount of plastic present in the ocean.

We will work with local communities and volunteers to restore the coral reefs in Quintana Roo.

Restoring the coral reefs in Quintana Roo will assist in safeguarding both the marine life and the natural surroundings.

Our Work
ProjectQRRestore will organize ocean clean-up and restoration projects with local community involvement in Quintana Roo, Mexico.
We will raise awareness regarding the importance of coral reefs and any technological solutions developed regarding the sargasso continent.
By planting vast stretches of seagrass meadows, and reproducing coral modules in-situ and ex-situ, we can create buffers against ocean degradation and protect Quintana Roo.
Once permits with local municipalities are obtained, we will undertake restoration and underwater planting campaigns in collaboration with blue-restoration institutes in Quintana Roo partnering with the Cozumel Coral Reef Protection Program and Coralium Labs.
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